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Application of Micro Coils and Their Future in the Medical Industry 

Micro Coil

The advancement of science and technology has brought a huge revolution in the aspect of medical treatment. It has become possible to give people new hope to live a better life due to the invention of modern medicines and medical service-providing tools. Micro Coils are also such inventions that have shown a new direction to the modern healthcare industry. So, what are these micro coils and how are they shaping the way of advanced medical technology? Let’s find out.

What Are Micro Coils?

Micro coils are mainly small and miniature coils that have wide use in various technological devices. The creators have made these coils by winding an extremely fine wire in a helical or spiral pattern around a core material. The shapes and sizes of micro coils may vary based on the criteria and requirements of the devices. Micro coils are no different from regular coils regarding their function, however, their excessively small sizes have made them unique. As for the materials, the creators also choose them based on the specific criteria of the devices including conductivity and resistance. However, the first choice for miro coil materials is basically conductive wire materials such as silver, copper and gold. The designers often face huge challenges in preparing extremely tiny micro coils as per the requirements of the intended use of the devices. However, modern-day manufacturers have become successful in meeting the demands by creating smaller micro coils than the previous ones. 

Know the Application of Micro Coils

Now that you know what micro coils are, you must be curious about their application. So, here is a list of areas where you can find the use of micro coils. 

Future of Micro Coils

The application of micro coils is wide and far-reaching. With the advancement of medical technology, the demand for ultra-thin micro coils is also increasing. The need to access high-density body areas has also increased to cure more difficult medical issues. It is possible that with time thinner micro coils will come to the surface and help in improving the procedures of implantable devices. 

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