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Safety Tips for Home DIY Projects


Do It Yourself, better known simply as DIY, projects are a great way to save costs and can be a lot of fun too. However, while some DIY projects are relatively safe, others may involve power tools and other dangerous equipment, creating risks to both you and your home.

Before you dive into the world of DIY, it’s a good idea to think carefully about the potential hazards you might encounter and how you could mitigate them. In this article, we’ll share some important tips you should consider before you start your next DIY project. No matter the size of scale of your project, safety should always be your first concern.

Using Safety Gear

While safety gear can be expensive, serious injuries can be costly both in terms of your health and your wallet. The right safety gear can make a big difference, preventing bad accidents and minimising the risks involved. While no piece of safety gear will protect you from unsafe practices, it can help make accidents far less likely when used correctly.

One piece of safety gear that’s commonly used in industrial settings and heavy machinery is the lock out tag. This device is used to lock a piece of equipment and ensure it can’t be used until its safe to do so. This might be because the equipment is under maintenance, or just that the conditions are currently unsafe for whatever reason.

You can find a selection of lock out tags at RS, with options that show the machinery is out of order or shouldn’t be switched on. The tags include space for a date to be written on, as well as details of who has the key to reactive the machinery. This is very useful in industrial settings, although it’s probably not required for home DIY projects.

Other safety gear more suitable for DIY include eye protection, ear protection and gloves. You may also find a respirator useful if you’re dealing with materials that create dust or fumes. The important thing is to assess the kind of conditions you’ll be working in and the hazards you might face. Then, you should think about the ways to reduce these hazards with safety equipment.

Only Work When Safe to Do So

Because DIY projects are done at home, there are no regulations or safety protocols that you’re forced to follow. However, you should be careful to ensure you only ever work in the right conditions. If you’re feeling overly tired or are currently intoxicated, operating power tools or performing any kind of DIY can increase the potential risk of injuries.

In addition, it’s important to think about the lighting and how well you can see. If you’re trying to measure something in poor lighting conditions, you could make a bad measurement, but you could also trip and hurt yourself. Take care to assess the situation before you begin work.

Fire Safety

While your main concern might be avoiding injury from contact with sharp objects, you should also be mindful of other risks, such as fires. Depending on the materials you’re working with, you might have to take extra care. For example, if you’re dealing with solvents or other flammable materials, you should keep them away from potential sources of ignition.

You should work to reduce the chance of a fire starting, but it’s also good to have fire safety equipment on standby too. For example, a fire extinguisher or fire blanket that can prevent a fire from spreading. That way, even if your precautions fail, you’ll still be able to stop any serious damage or injuries such as burns caused by the fire. 

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