What Is the IDRlabs Multidimensional Anger Test Going Viral on TikTok?






If you are a regular social media user, you might have noticed that numerous free online personality tests get viral at times on different platforms. These personality tests can help you know about your personality traits and offer you an opportunity to assess yourself.  Even though the accuracy of many personality tests is questionable, you can definitely rely on the personality tests of IDRlabs to some extent. Earlier, I found that the IDRlabs Difficult Person Test went viral on TikTok. Recently, TikTok users are trying to recognize their anger through IDRlabs Multidimensional Anger Test.

On TikTok, if you search for #AngerTest, you will find thousands of videos of users who are taking the multidimensional anger test and sharing their test results on this platform. There is no assurance that you will get an accurate result from the anger test, however, this test can be a good way to assess yourself and gain self-knowledge.

What Is the IDRlabs Multidimensional Anger Test?

In 1986, Dr. Judith M. Siegel conducted scientific research and developed the Multidimensional Anger Inventory or MAI to recognize the relation between anger issues and cardiovascular health. Even though IDRlabs’ anger test takes inspiration and influence from his research, there was no direct connection between Dr. Siegel and the development of this test.

In the Multidimensional Anger Test, you have to state your feeling on an agreeableness scale for 38 different anger-related statements. In simple words, you can place the pointer on five different positions to show how strongly you disagree or agree with a statement. Once you will finish the test, you will receive the result based on how vulnerable you are to anger in comparison to the average person.

The Viral Trend on TikTok

The multidimensional anger test has gained popularity on TikTok due to its unique format and the opportunity for users to share their results and experiences. TikTok users are known for their interest in self-discovery and psychological assessments, making the IDRlabs Multidimensional Anger Test a perfect fit for the platform’s audience.

The Five Dimensions of the Anger Test:

This test examines five dimensions of your anger, such as-

  • Anger Arousal: This indicates the magnitude, frequency, and duration of your angry response.
  • Anger Spectrum: This refers to the possibilities of situations that are more likely to trigger your angry response.
  • Hostile Outlook: This indicates how suspiciously and mistrustfully you view the world.
  • External Anger: This reflects how you tend to display your anger toward your external surroundings.
  • Internal Anger: This indicates how you tend to keep your anger inside you without sharing it with others.

Your total score reflects how vulnerable you are to anger. The higher you will score on this test, the greater problems you have with anger. So, try to take this anger test and it would be great fun. This test can be a great way to rethink your position on every statement. If you get higher results on this test, you can consult a mental health professional to learn about how to control your anger issues.

Subhajit Khara
Subhajit Kharahttps://www.embraceom.com/
Subhajit Khara is an Electronics & Communication engineer who has found his passion in the world of writing. With a background in technology and a knack for creativity, he has become a proficient content writer and blogger. His expertise lies in crafting engaging articles on a variety of topics, including tech, lifestyle, and home decoration.
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